Xylonia Rose

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Xylonia Rose
Military Information



Private First Class




Wildcard Platoon


Phoenix Company


Dragon Battalion


Osiris Regiment



Physical Description


Skin color:

Light Beige






Hazel (change with her mood)


Long slim scar under her left eye down her cheek to her neck, multiple similar scars of varying lengths on her back

Biographical Information








Current Status[edit]




Locks of wild hair tumble around her shoulders. Sometimes her hair is black, red, blue, blonde, or even purple. She likes to mix it up to keep things interesting. She stands five feet, nine inches tall and weighs 140 pounds. She is well toned for a female, but looks more slender than she really is. Don’t let her size fool you, she can really pack a punch. Her eyes are as fierce as her attitude. Usually they are grey in color, but have been know to change to blue, green, and even violet. Her lush amber lips very rarely smile. Her face is almost always serious with the normal scowl she wears. A long thin scar runs from the bottom of her left eye down to her cheek. Similar scars run all along her back and shoulders. Her clothes are always functional, not fashionable. You will usually see her in shorts or cargo pants, t-shirt or tank, and boots when she is not in her armor. She always wears belts and straps with multiple weapons attached to her at all times. Two necklaces always adorn her neck: one is a silver key with wings embellished with gears and gems hanging from a beautiful long silver chain; the other necklace is a small scrap of bent metal that appears to be nothing special at all hanging on a dull chain of simple steel. She has gorgeous features but she does not flaunt them. In fact it seems as though she tries to hide the fact that she is pretty, or she just doesn’t care. If you watch her, you will notice she lights up a fat cigar every now and then and frequently drinks whiskey.


Xylonia keeps her inner most thoughts to herself. She is very wary of everyone around her. Pain from her past makes her untrusting of others. The young woman is always down for a good time though. A game of sabacc, a strong drink, a rich cigar, listening to musicians and watching dancers are most of the laid back things that Xylonia does for enjoyment.

When her temper gets the better of her, she can be extremely violent. Punching a bag repeatedly, lifting weights, running, and practicing at the firing range help Xylonia lasso her rage and cool her down. Sometimes she needs a good brawl and the taste of her own blood in her mouth to savor her lust for violence.

Authority and control do not sit well with her either. Xylonia likes to take control of her own life and do as she pleases. When people try to order her around, or make her do something, she tends to do the opposite just to piss them off. She doesn’t care where her attitude lands her. She figures after the way she grew up on the street, nothing will ever be as bad as that. To Xylonia, her freedom of choice is her greatest commodity.

On the rare occasion another being earns Xylonia’s trust, a daunting task, she is completely loyal to them and would die for them. She believes true friends and allies are almost non-existent. So, when she does find a friend or ally that is true heart and soul, she fights for them in every way possible.



Xylonia Rose was born on the planet Q’mara in a city called Junea to a whore named Serci. Her mother was selfish and cold. Xylonia spent many a night in an alley while her mom “worked” in the small studio apartment where they lived. She preferred the alley to the dingy little room called an apartment. It always stank worse than a Zucca pig.

Xylonia never knew her father and Serci never told her who her father was. That didn’t matter to her. She didn’t care who he was anyway. Xylonia spent a lot of time alone. Hiding was the best way to keep from being picked on by other nasty folks, children and adults alike. Hunger pains finally drove the little girl out of hiding and she began her training in the underworld. She learned to gamble and the tricks of the trade to winning. She gambled and won just enough to have a full belly every day. Her young grey eyes had seen the blood price for getting caught cheating. She would never be that stupid.

Besides practicing gambling, lying, thieving and hiding, Xylonia started tinkering with machines. Her interest started in that area when she heard a group of orphan boys talking about the swoop races. Their description of the speed enthralled Xylonia and she could only think about how great it would be if she could speed away from her dismal life in the dirty slums. That same day she went to the junkyard which was conveniently close to where she roamed.
Qunlop tinkering away
The master of the junkyard, an old Twi’lek with wrinkled tendrils, could hardly refuse free labor, and thus she began her first job.

Organizing the junked parts was a good way for her to start familiarizing herself with the different types of engines. It wasn’t long before Qunlop, the junkyard master, saw Xylonia’s ability to quickly learn and her affinity with machinery. He took her full on as an apprentice and taught her everything he knew. The wise and quirky old Twi’lek became her first friend. After a few months she had her own swoop bike she built from scratch and raced every opportunity she got. When the air was flying past her, whipping her hair against her ivory skin, she felt joy, for the first time ever in her young life.

As she grew older, life in the slums only grew worse for the young girl turning into a young woman. One of Serci’s multiple boyfriends took a liking to abusing young Xylonia. He started by just slapping her, which then turned to full blown punches. She lost count of how many times he broke her jaw and nose. One day while Serci was “Working” he started using his knife on Xylonia. He took pleasure and pinning her down and slicing her back and shoulders. She never cried. She bit her tongue in defiance and never gave him the pleasure of hearing her scream, which is what he desired.

Xylonia focused on her engines and machinery. Solace was found at the junkyard. Qunlop would tend to her wounds and pat her forehead tenderly. A simple being, the only words he could provide as comfort were “There, there.” She kept building and tinkering. The junkyard was prospering well, even competing with the better junkyards in the better parts of the city. Eventually she was making more money than the whore Serci, who started coming to Xylonia begging for scraps. Xylonia spat at Serci’s feet at the request.

“What have you ever done for me? You gave me nothing you selfish, cold, useless pile of Barve shit!”

Serci coming down off a high

“I gave you life! I am your mother! NOW, GIVE ME ALL YOUR CREDITS YOU UNGRATEFUL HUTT SPAWN!” Serci reached for Xylonia’s pockets.

Xylonia took one step backward and let Serci, who was drunk, fall flat one her face into the pile of junk they were standing on. “You are no mother of mine.”

Qunlop silently watched from his hut, peering through his doorway as he held the door blanket back slightly with one hand.

As Xylonia moved to kick Serci in the face, her boyfriend came up behind her and grabbed Xylonia by the throat. Before she could react, he had his blade under her left eye. “Don’t move you little brat. Now, all your credits, give them to your sweet ma’.”

Xylonia’s nostrils flared in anger and she screamed as loudly as she could, “SHE…IS…NOT…MY…MOTHER!”

She grabbed his arm and flipped backward pulling him with her. They spun together; he was trying to stab the knife into her eye. She used both arms to push the blade as far away as possible as they tumbled. Still only a child of 15 years, there was no way she could overcome him completely. The blade sliced the flesh under her eye. Feeling the cold of steel in her flesh, Xylonia used a burst of adrenaline to push the blade down and away. As she pushed, the blade cut a long thin gash all the way to her neck. As she twisted out of his arms, she threw a kick behind her to kick him away. Unbeknownst to Xylonia, Qunlop had left his hut when he saw her in danger. Just at that moment he had come up behind her attacker to intervene. As she kicked him, he fell forward, knife first into Qunlop. The Twi’lek gasped in shock and put a hand around the handle of the knife as his blood trickled down his shirt and pants.

Xylonia turned around to defend herself and as she turned, her eyes met Qunlop’s.

“NOOOOOO!” her scream echoed throughout the junkyard.

Qunlop fell to his side already dead. Xylonia grabbed the knife and pulled it out of Qunlop. She turned to Serci’s boyfriend who was scurrying away on his hands and knees. A running jump pressed his face into the cold hard metal bits littering the junkyard floor. Xylonia doesn’t remember how many times she stabbed him in the back with that knife. After she killed him, she slit Serci’s throat. She left Serci and the other to rot. She built a pyre for Qunlop with gasoline, oil, rags and wood. Before she lit the blaze, she tenderly shut his eyes, kissed his forehead, took his necklace with a worthless piece of scrap dangling from it and made a vow to him.

“I will never forget you Qunlop. Never…”

Escape from Q’mara[edit]

Xylonia left the junkyard behind on her swoop bike. She went straight to the Spaceport. She went to the odd number docking bays where she knew the not-so-on-the-books vessels would be. She parked her swoop and sat there watching the people milling about. She had learned to carefully judge people’s characters, and practice had made her pretty accurate. She sat there for a couple of hours. Almost every one there looked far beyond trustworthy.

She was almost sure she was frakked and ready to give up for the day, then she saw him: a tall slender man with broad shoulders, thick arms and legs. He had a handsome face which was somewhat scruffy then. His eyes were midnight blue and alert. He had thick robust lips that smiled easily. He wore brown pants with thick suspenders and an off white shirt tucked in. A blaster hung at each hip off his thick brown belt. He walked along confidently in knee high brown boots.

Captain Reginold Torwyn
Xylonia found herself biting her lip nervously as she watched him. As he started signing some documents in front of a unique looking ship, she approached him. He started to turn to head up the ramp into the ship, but he saw her and turned to her.

“Yes Darlin’? You need something?”

Xylonia gulped. His voice was just as alluring and delicious as the rest of him. “Yes. I need a ticket outta this Bantha Fodder hole. I’ll give you my swoop and my life’s savings.” She stood there as confidently as she could muster.

He searched her face trying not to stare at the fresh scab along her face. “My ship aint selling tickets Darlin’. We don’t tend to take along scragglers.”

Xylonia looked at his feet to hide her tears that were forming.

“Please sir. I’ll work. I can fix things, especially engines, machinery, anything with gears. I’ll earn my keep. Please, I’m begging you. Just take me as far as your next stop, away from here.” The way she emphasized “away from here” made him take a second glance at her.

“Well, I could use another mechanic. My ol’ girl Shiloh tends to be falling apart at the seams. Get your bike, don’t hold me up before I change my mind Darlin’.” He winked at her and ran up the ramp inside the beat up ship.

Xylonia did not keep him waiting. She ran to her swoop and fired it up. She drove it right up the ramp as it was closing. Finally, she escaped Q’mara.


His name was Reginold Torwyn, Captain of the ship Shiloh. He certainly made Xylonia earn her keep. She started by scrubbing the docking bay and cleaning other parts of the ship. When the Shiloh made her first stop, Xylonia made to leave. Reg stopped her and told her he needed someone to start fixing the bits that were falling off. Fond of Reg, she did not argue, and stayed. Deep down she was grateful because in her heart, she wanted to stay. Shiloh felt more like the home she had imagined but never had. Eventually she started fixing everything around that needed repairs, which was just about everything.

After Xylonia turned 16, Reg, as he liked her to call him, started teaching her how to pilot Shiloh. The rest of the crew was warm and friendly, even more so than Reg. It took a long time, but Xylonia trusted them all. They were smugglers and lived a free life other than hiding every now and then. Hutts paid handsomely for black market goods, and they were good at getting them.

Being involved in underworld business, Xylonia learned how to shoot and fight. She had already been a tough girl. She was learning to be an even tougher woman. As Xylonia matured, so did her feelings towards Reg. It was their first year celebrating the celebration of Life together. Reg had taken her under his wing, and she had idolized him. She had stayed awake the whole night waiting for morning that day. Reg stumbled out of his cabin with sleep still in his eyes, but he smiled warmly at her regardless. He was wearing a brown fluffy robe and a red fluffy pointy hat with a white puffy ball hanging from the tip. White fur lined the rim of the hat. He ran up to her and picked her up in his arms squeezing her in a bear hug. Her heart fluttered in her stomach as she felt his pectoral muscles against her chest.

Xylonia Age 16

"I have a gift for you Rose." He pulled a prettily wrapped small box from one of the cupboards in the mess hall they were standing in.

It was wrapped in violet shining paper and silver ribbon. She carefully took the gift, silenced by this surprise. His grey eyes stared at her, eager and bright.

"Open it Rose, my sweet Rose." His hand cupped her cheek...

She opened the box and there was a necklace inside. It was a key with wings. In the center of the top of the key were gems and gears. She stared at it unsure of what to do. She had never received a gift before. Reg lifted it gently out of the box and stepped behind her. He lowered the necklace onto her chest and clasped it behind her neck for her. She wrapped her hand around the key and looked down at the floor trying to hide the tears welling up. Reg, familiar with her odd way of coping with strong emotions, stepped in front of her and wrapped her in his thick tree-trunk-like arms.

After that day things changed between them. Xylonia was ready to embrace the fact that she loved Reg. Reg felt the same way as she did, but he was in denial of his feelings. He felt as though he was the father figure she never had, and that he was raising her into her womanhood. He felt it was wrong and twisted for him to even think he might have those kinds of feelings towards her. The following six years were rocky emotionally between Reg and Xylonia. They wanted to be together, but Reg would not allow it.

Xylonia couldn’t take it anymore after her 22nd birthday. She decided to confront Reg and if he wouldn’t admit that he loved her, she would leave Shiloh at their next stop. She knocked on the door to his cabin, her hands shaking. He opened the door standing there shirtless in a pair of shorts.

“Can I come in?”

“You know how I feel about that. I don’t think that’s a good idea Darlin’” he rested his head against his hand leaning against the doorframe.

She pushed herself against him to push herself into his quarters.

“That’s what I’m here to talk about.”

He quickly stepped back, shocked by just having her so close to him. She stepped in and shut the door. She lingered facing the door, building the courage to speak her mind.

“Reg, something needs to change, or I’m leaving. You know exactly what I’m talking about.”

He began to speak but she turned and ran up to him, placing a finger on his tender lips.

Reg's Gift to Xylonia

“Shhh. Please, just let me finish and then if you want to order me away, fine. I’ll go.”

She lowered her hands to her sides and her bright green eyes stared into his midnight blue ones.

“I know you love me. I can feel it. I can see it in the way you look at me, the way you talk to me, the way you touch me.”

Again he tried to speak, “As fam…”

“STOP!” She slammed her hand flat against the wall he was leaning against. “I’m no longer a child. I’m a woman. And I know you think you are the father figure in my life, but you’re not!” His eyes searched hers painfully as though she had stabbed him. “Qunlop was the father figure in my life. He was my father. I love you Reg. I love you as my best friend, as more…” she let the last of her words hang in the air for a moment, frightened of his response.

Reg stared at her a long time fighting a battle within himself. Her bottom lip trembled. She watched his eyes carefully. She was anxious. At last she saw something in his eyes she had not seen before. She saw him find balance within himself and with it the truth. He grabbed her face and passionately kissed her with fire that had been burning for years. At last after all that time, they were happy. They spent the rest of the night together. Xylonia was the happiest she had ever been in her existence.

Service History[edit]

Ribbon Award Award Name Date Received Reason
[RCA] Ruby Crystal of Anteevy Jan 8, 2012 Participation in HSC '11
[LM] Legionnaire Medallion January 8, 2012 Display of courage under fire