Getting Started

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Theoretically, when a trooper is placed in Drill they are classified as a regular stormtrooper, with VERY basic skills. Once they get out of Drill, they're placed in a squad. At this time, troopers are expected to contact their Specialty Coordinator for help on selecting a Specialty.

Once a specialty has been chosen the trooper must fulfill the requirements in terms of activity before submitting specialty stories for grading. It is expected that speciality candidates will work on the stories throughout this period so that the final submitted version can be of a very high quality.

There are six main combat branches to choose from; these detail the main combat specialisations a trooper can choose from as well as the certificates for most weaponry. Most characters will only ever work on one or two of these branches. The ancillary specialties are what rounds out a character's skill sets, these adds many possibilities to a character's focus.

NOTE: Regardless of specialty, you all will be required to handle a blaster as needed. The specialty skills are for things other than blaster fire that will help your squads in the stories.

Activity Requirements[edit]

  • Pick your speciality
  • Look at requirements below
  • Fulfil Requirements (work on story)
  • Post story
  • Receive Grading
  • Pick new speciality and restart process

You may write your first spec at two active weeks and five story posts. Subsequent specialty posts must wait until the trooper has been active and has posted a sufficient number of times. The only posts that count are posts in stories in the Stormtrooper Storynet.

IMPORTANT: Prestige specs are broken up into three 2000 word posts. These must be posted at intermediate steps between the prerequisite specialties. The first two of the three posts can focus closer on the intermediate specialties. However, the last of the three MUST incorporate ALL of the prerequisite specialties, and CANNOT be posted until the active weeks and post count are completed. This will be graded to a higher standard.

Focus Specialties work in similar ways; as all Focus Specialties are two 2000 word posts, these must be posted at intermediate steps as well.

Example: Bob has done 5.1 and 5.3. He has a total of 30 posts and 14 weeks of active duty. He can choose to continue to work towards P6, and write his first test 1 week later, or he can put it off and instead write A1, which has nothing to do with P6. He will have to wait 4 weeks and post 10 more times before he can do A1, however.

As soon as you’re done with a Prestige specialty, you can immediately begin work on another specialty tree, and the post requirement for the next Prestige is lowered slightly.

Example: Jack has just finished P3, and now wants to work on P1. He can immediately begin work on his first spec, but subsequent specs will have to wait the allotted time. However, he only needs an additional 60 total story posts to complete P1.

First Spec of a Prestige or Focus
Spec Active Weeks Storynet Posts
First 2 5
All others 0 0
The Specialties
Spec Additional Active Weeks Additional Storynet Posts
Level 0 4 10
Level 1 8 20
Level 2 12 25
The Prestige
Spec Total Active Weeks Total Storynet Posts
First 30 75
Second 30 135
Subsequent 30 195...etc.
The Focus
Spec Total Active Weeks Total Storynet Posts
First 24 50
Second 24 90
Subsequent 24 130...etc.

Story Requirements[edit]

Story requirements are detailed on each spec page. These can vary from a single thousand word story, up to three x two thousand word entries.

A rough guide to how well each spec needs to be written is as such: the basic specialties need merely be ‘good.’ Intermediate application tests (the first two posts of the three in a Prestige specialty or the first of two in a Focus specialty) need to be ‘excellent.’ The final exam of a Prestige or Focus needs to be close to ‘perfect.’

When a story is completed, the trooper will go to the Stormtrooper Corps Story Board and post a new topic containing their story. For example "Private Joe Bloggs 1.1 Urban Combat" and post their story on there. As a reminder: writing specialty stories are not like writing in the squad run-on. Each story must have a beginning and an end. Once the story is posted, the trooper should post in the appropriate thread, also located on the Specialtynet. This will allow authorized graders to be aware that you need to have a spec checked.

When a story is passed, the trooper will have a greater understanding of the skill in question and also be allowed to use (with superiors’ permission) the equipment detailed in the specialty’s page..