Wing Commander Reporting Template

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As a Wing Commander (WC) you’ve got responsibility for several squadrons, and your report will reflect that. Fortunately, this can be a relatively easy report to make, though. Simply collect the reports from the Squadron Commanders under you and Copy/Paste the code into a single report, placing one squadron after another. You should then combine the details and comments from each squadron into a single section underneath the bottom squadron's table. Add the relevant data for your report, remove questions and issues you'll take care of yourself, add any comments, questions, and recommendations you'd like to make, and send it in.

There are two sections below. The first is the template itself, which can be Copy/Pasted and then filled out to make a good report. The second is an example of a report to use as a guide if you get confused.


"Like some of the other large-unit positions, there isn't any specific template to give for this position. Unlike the TFC or FC, though, the Wing Commander isn't consolidating ships and starfighters. You've only got to consolidate several squadrons' info into one report, a much more direct job. Below is a template for the order in which to do this. The specifics are up to you. If you get confused, though, go to a TFC or FC for help. They can show you how to do it."

-Commmander Dracule "Drac" Mihawk, May 2011

  • Your report status, posts, etc.
    • Your squadron's report table OR the first squadron's report table, if you don't run a squadron.
    • Second squadron's report table.
    • Third squadron's report table.
    • And so on...
    • Combined details and comments for all squadrons, inlcuding anything you have to add.
  • Your rank, callsign, specific position, and ID line.


Note: Due to wiki code constraints, these two Examples sections are out of order. The table always comes first, followed by the detail section.

Detail Section

Other Activity:
PPC, wiki work, and four CD stories. We're also running a Wing graphics competition.

Upcoming plans:
Each squadron is continuing in their current mission. Regents will be hitting the pirate convoy soon. The graphics competition will wrap up next week as well.

Albino made a good suggestion about adding personal details for each pilot to the squadron wiki page. I've given Hunter the go-ahead to let him start.

Albinostorm: Merit Cross 1st Class and promotion to PO1 for his activity and helpfulness. Ambrosia: Promotion to PO2 Ruwe: Merit Cross 2nd Class I'm also considering promoting Hunter to 1st Lieutenant if his good work with Tuk'ata continues.

Stormrider needs to be declared AWOL- he hasn't been on in weeks. Also, Speed and Vender should be docked 1000 ICs for not reporting in again.

1st Lieutenant Ibram Tyrol
Wing Commander, Squadron Commander Regents A-1
WC/1LT Ibram Tryol/A-1 Regents/ISD II Halcyon Warrior/TF Aurek/2Flt/SFC/VEN/VE

Table Section

Note: This is only an example. The code for this example is formatted for the Wiki and will not work correctly on the ComNet. Do not copy it. Use the above template instead.

Tuk'ata Squadron (05/06/2011)
Hunter-Morrell A-1 ESN Active Reporting 2 1 1 4
DarianRogue A-2 SCRW Active No Report 2 0 1 3
Albinostorm A-3 PO2 Active Reported 2 1 1 4
Speed A-4 SCRW Inactive No Report 0 0 0 0
bjorkfrid B-1 ESN Leave Reported 0 0 0 0
Rutian B-2 MCPO Semi-Active No Report 0 0 1 1
Anden Beliam B-3 MCPO Semi-Active Reported 1 0 0 1
Empty B-4
Regents Squadron (05/06/2011)
Ibram Tyrol A-1 1LT Active Reporting 2 0 0 2
Roth A-2 PO2 Active No Report 1 1 0 2
Ambrosia A-3 LCRW Active Reported 2 1 1 4
Vender A-4 PO2 Inactive No Report 0 0 0 0
Ruwe B-1 MCPO Active No Report 2 0 2 4
Zark B-2 PO2 Active Reported 2 1 0 3
Stormrider B-3 SCRW AWOL No Report 0 0 0 0
Empty B-4
"Nightshrike Squadron (05/06/2011)"
Position Rank Status Report Posts
Story Cert Other Total
DeepSix A-1 MCPO Active Yes 1 0 1 2
Lampyridae A-2 SCRW Inactive No 0 0 0 0
Caeus A-3 LCRW Active No 0 0 1 1
Maysie A-4 SCPO Active Yes 1 0 0 1
Stewart-Power B-1 WO2 Active No 1 0 0 1
Fyston B-2 SCRW Active Yes 1 0 0 1
Echelon B-3 LCRW Active No 1 0 0 1
Empty B-4