Capital Ship Attack

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Naval Ancillary Skill
Capital Ship Attack
Passing achieves:
Ship-to-ship Bombing skills {CsAt}
Prerequisite for:
Bombar Ace, Tier 2 (TIE Oppressor pilot)
A VE-standard TIE/op Oppressor in action.


The Skill[edit]

Before your character may pilot capital ship attack craft with the Vast Empire's Navy (in other words, before you may use capital attack skills like targeting weak points or bombing capital ships in any story posts), and before you start Tier 2 of the Bomber Ace certification track, you must demonstrate that your character has the basic knowledge necessary to attack space-borne targets. This knowledge (and its practical application) is known as the "Capital Ship Attack" Basic Ancillary Skill, in VEN role-playing parlance. You demonstrate this knowledge (and thereby earn the "Capital Ship Attack" Ancillary Skill for your character's Bio) by completing the following mission.

The Mission : "Sir! We've lost our bridge deflector shield!"[edit]

Write a short story (500 words, minimum) in which your character must pilot a VE-standard TIE Bomber through "The Furball" over Abrae (a simulated space battle between the New Republic and the Vast Empire), engaging and bombing a series of marksmanship targets. Your choices of targets should be many and varied: the shield generator of an enemy capital ship, the engines of an enemy capital ship, a mock turbolaser tower, and a series of 'weak points' that a flight controller will direct you to all require different approaches, and therefore make for a more interesting mission when juxtaposed. The climax of the run will be the bridge of a MC-80 Liberty Star Cruiser, ringed by point-defense turrets; the only way to take out this final target will be to fire proton torpedoes at a precise ballistic angle from outside the range of the defenses. Research the vehicle(s) and structures depicted in your story, and use the information you uncover to detail the problem(s) your character must confront, and to explain your character's solution(s). Be sure to describe the tools and techniques your character employs to strafe/bomb the targets, and finish the story with your character attacking the hardened, protected bridge (note: IC, you do not have to succeed in destroying this final target to satisfy the requirements of this skill mission; the point is that your PC gains an appreciation for the difficulty of bombing enemy ships). A description of ship-to-ship gunnery (how it is different from strafing) is expected. A description of bombing (it is difficult to balance speed, judge distance, and account for the movement of the target) is expected. When complete, post your short story to a new thread in the Navy ComNet (making sure to mark it as a Mission for the Capital Ship Attack Ancillary Skill), and wait for review. If a VENA staff member deems that you have satisfied all the mission parameters, you will have earned the Ancillary Skill "Capital Ship Attack" for your character, and that character may then use the associated knowledge in future story posts.

Good luck.

Links and Resources[edit]

Here is a comprehensive list of links to resources rich with useful information for Imperial bomber pilots. Read. Learn. Details make for great stories.

TIE/op Oppressor

MC80 Liberty Star Cruiser

More links forthcoming. PM recommendations to Stormz or Drac.

  • Note : The Vast Empire claims no credit for external sites and resources; all information provided is for fictional use only.