Category:VE Alternate History

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The history of the Vast Empire contains some deviations from the Official Canon timeline. Moving forward, some of the novelizations may be left out of the timeline altogether or somewhat altered given the state of the galaxy in our club timeline.

The will be no "cloned Emperor" or anything from the Dark Empire storyline beyond, perhaps, some technology and minor characters. Prior to that, however, the storyline established in The Thrawn Trilogy are not as described in the books. The keys deviation points are:

  • Thrawn did not capture as much of the Katana fleet as explained in the books
  • Thrawn did not experience as much military success as a result of this. This will be explained further.
  • Thrawn did not die, but was merely severely wounded at the Battle of Bilbringi

In addition, the "Grand Admiral" conspired with the non-human factions of the New Republic. This was revealed by our agents and military forces at the Battle of Hast Shipyards, which resulted in a secret fleet being captured and destroyed as well as the rogue Imperial and New Republic alliance being revealed.

This division affected both sides of the Civil War, with Thrawn slowly losing support throughout the conflict. His near death at Bilbringi caused many to flee his cause.

As for the New Republic, despite the best diplomatic efforts of the heroes of the Rebellion, the Alliance split into a humanoid and non-human faction, the latter controlled primarily by Mon Calimari and Bothan sects.

Pages in category "VE Alternate History"

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