Explosives Compendium

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What follows is a list of various explosives and techniques, categorized by either type or function. It is by no means complete, but an overview of various information on the subject.


Alpha-plus Charge

this is a compact device filled with highly-explosive material, and is used most often in mining operations. Alpha-plus charges are incredibly powerful, and are used only when other, more conventional methods of excavating rock prove futile.


manufactured by TasCorp, this mining explosive was developed to help miners excavate rocky areas in search of metals and minerals. They are used by placing the sticks into position and then detonating them with a remote detonator. The detonators are programmable, and can control up to five blaststicks at a time.


this explosive device was created by the Old Republic military, and saw heavy use during the Clone Wars. The bore-bang is ostensibly a long, red tube that is filled with high-yield explosives. However, when it is held next to the ground and the end cap is removed, the bore-bang begins to burrow its way into the ground. They can be set to go off with a certain time-delay, allowing them to get several feet belowground before exploding. The resulting explosion tears up huge chunks of earth as well as any being or droid on top of it. In addition to any injuries sustained in the initial blast, a being is then pummeled with falling debris.

Bunker Buster

this is the term used to describe the exploding rockets produced during the Clone Wars, and used to smash bunkers and buried command posts during a siege.

Burrowing Detonator

this mobile, robotic explosive is used to mine open areas. They have a limited range, but their mobility allows them to be set down in an area and they disperse themselves. Like standard landmines, they bury themselves just below the surface and lie waiting for someone to step on them. Unlike landmines, they can also move periodically, making their recovery nearly impossible.


an impact explosive.

Claymore Mine

an antipersonnel mine used to disable enemy troops. They can be set to explode after a specific time delay, or to detonate when touched.

Concussion Charge

this is the generic term used to describe any explosive device which uses intense, compressed sound waves to cause large amounts of damage.

Core Bomb

this is a unique form of explosive, developed and used during the last decades of the Old Republic. In order to produce the most intense blast, core bombs employ a mixture of magnopium and ferrocongregate. Core bombs are so powerful that they require a high-power detonation device. In order to make the detonator small enough to hold in a being's hand, it had to be fashioned from chromium. Thus, chromium detonators are easily recognized as being paired with a core bomb.

Detonite Tape

this is a specialized form of explosive which found a wide market during the Galactic Civil War. D-tape (as it is referred to in the business) is a basic adhesive tape which has been impregnated with detonite gel. While not as destructive as a shaped charge, detonite tape is more flexible and adaptive to the shapes of doors, windows, and hatches.

EMP grenades

detonation devices which destroy objects with shards of flying shrapnel.

Fragmentation Grenade

a form of grenade that explodes into a wide pattern of sharp-edged fragments when detonated.

Frame Charge

this is a term used to describe any form of detonation ribbon, tape, or rope that can be formed around a door jamb, allowing a commando to shape the charge to the situation and provide them with entry to an otherwise impenetrable location.


this is a custom form of ordnance created for the clone commandos of the Grand Army of the Republic. A frightener is designed to create large amounts of noise and light, but lacks any real destructive power. They are used to frighten an opponent into movement, especially if a target is hidden behind a wall or otherwise out of the line of fire.


this mechanism is used in the activation device for many low-tech explosives, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.

Ion Explosives

detonation weapons which employ excited ions to initiate the explosion of certain forms of matter.

Laser Shell

this is a form of laser-guided missile, often fired from backpack-mounted launchers. Jango Fett used a laser shell launcher on one set of Mandalorian armor he used as a bounty hunter.

Luma Blast

this is the term used to describe the effect of any light-producing weapon, such as a luma grenade.

Magnepulse Ordnance

Also known as magnetic bombard, the magnepulse ordnance is detonated above a city or other target, and has two forms which deliver a great magnetic pulse that shorts out communications, droids, and other hi-tech equipment. The pulse can be delivered by a cannon blast or a cluster bomb, although the cluster bomb can be shot down prior to detonation.

Micronite Charge

this small explosive is form by taking a gram or less of detonite and wrapping it around a wire or cable with a wad of SlipSheet or a ration wrapper. The small charge doesn't cause much outward damage, but can be used to sever computer cables in remote locations.


this form of explosive weapon was developed during the last years of the Old Republic, but was relegated to backwater use by cheaper, though more destructive, forms of explosives. Microtherms detonations are confined to a small volume, but cause highly concentrated damage within their blast radius.


this is the generic term used to describe a detonation device that can be distributed into open space and left there, lying in wait for unsuspecting ships to pass by. There are many different kinds of mines. Most are considered passive, or contact, mines: they sit in space until a passing ship physically touched them, at which point they exploded. Some are heat-seeking mines, armed with lasers that are targetted to the source of heat. The rarest kind of mine, known simply as an active mine, is equipped with proximity sensors and a propulsion system. Whenever a large object triggered a proximity alarm, an active mine homes in on it and moves to intercept it. This characteristic made active mines difficult to deploy and maintain, leading to their limited deployment.


any small, hand-held detonation device which can be thrown at its target.


an explosive substance used in bombs and other detonation devices.

Negatron Impact Charge

a form of explosive that uses a compressed, directed bundle of negatrons to cause massive amounts of damage.


this substance is used by detonation experts. It ignites on impact, and can be used to trigger larger explosives.

Plasma Bomb

this form of explosive is used by the Bartokks.

Plasma Grenade

an explosive device which uses ionized plasma gas to created a localized detonation.

Plasma-burn Tape

similar to detonite tape, this explosive tape is used to explode doors and panels.

Poison Grenade

developed more than 4,000 years before the Galactic Civil War, this form of explosive device released a chemical poison into the air when it exploded. This poison could be of many forms, from deadly vapors to toxic liquid, although it was usually a fast-acting poison that killed any being that was sprayed in the explosion.

Pressure Bomb

a detonation device which uses air pressure to knock out its targets. While not obviously destructive, a pressure bomb severely disables the hearing of its victims, and causes great pain to the victim's sinuses and cranial cavities. This often results in hearing loss, disorientation, and intense pain. Proton Grenade

a small concussion bomb which is thrown at a target and scatters energy when detonated.

Pulse Bomb

this form of explosive weapon is developed by the Gungans of Naboo, and saw widespread use during the Clone Wars.


this unusual form of weapon is essentially a sphere of self-contained repulsor energy, which explodes with devastating force when it reached its target.

Repulsor-trip Mine

this form of detonation device is used against repulsorlift vehicles. The mine's trigger is set off by the presence of the repulsorlift field.

Reverse-Polarity Pulse Grenade

developed for use by the Army of the Republic, this highly-charged explosive didn't cause physical damage. Instead, it released an intense electromagnetic pulse that overloaded the electrical systems of droids and sensors within its blast radius. This weapon proved effective against the battle droids of the Separatists.


a high-density explosive found only on the planetoid Jatee, it is used by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War.

Satchel Charge

this military term refers to any timed or remotely-operated explosive which can be used against a repulsortank. A shaped, detonite charge is attached to the detonation device, and then must be thrown into, or placed on, the hull of the tank.

Scorch Stick

this material is used to assist larger explosives to cause more damage, or to control the damage of an explosion. Made from an acid-based paste, which could withstand high temperatures, an individual could trace a pattern with the scorch stick. When ignited, the paste would burn a shallow score mark into the material, weakening it and allowing a larger explosive to crack it open.

Sequencer Charge

this portable mine can be placed on the ground or near doors. Acitvated by time-delay or promixity sensors, the sequencer charge has much more destructive capability that a thermal detonator or IM mine.

Shock Grenade

any explosive device which uses shock waves, instead of shrapnel, to cause damage. They are similar to pressure bombs.

Spore Bomb

this weapon is created by the Ho'Din terrorist Ort Hoogra-D'En as a method for deploying the deadly tamack spores.

Thermal Bomb

this is a form of explosive developed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the height of the Clone Wars. Rather than exploding and spraying an area with shrapnel or other material, a thermal bomb detonated into a ball of incredible heat, burning everything within its blast radius into a charred husk.

Thermal Detonator

a round bomb used by smugglers and mercenaries, most of these weapons originated from a design first built on Talesia. They are essentially a casing which contains a shaped charge of baradium. The use of baradium makes the weapon extremely dangerous, even for the being who throws it, as the element is highly unstable. Depending on the size of the charge, a thermal detonator will essentially atomize all material within a spherical area centered on the charge itself. Anything outside the range of the blast sphere remains virtually untouched. The baradium is activated by a switch, which releases a short burst of energy into the baradium mass, causing it to explode.

Thermal Grenade

this explosive device generated an intense ball of heat when detonated, literally melting everything in its blast radius. They are illegal to possess or use, during the height of the New Order.

Thermal Mine

this form of explosive device is employed in bringing down large buildings. It has a controllable blast, which enables demolitions crews to safely bring down structures.

Thermal Well

this weapon was developed by the Rebellion, in an effort to reduce the risks involved with using pure-baradium thermal detonators. Alliance technicians blended baradium with stabilized ytterbium, resulting in a denser explosive that ignited instead of exploding when energized. The thermal reaction is capable of generating thousands of degrees of heat in a short time, literally melting everything in its "blast radius."


a highly-combustible explosive.


an explosive material used by military commandos, thermite is transported in a gel form that allows it to be poured into a vessel for remote detonation.

Thermite Boring Charge

this directed explosive is used to destroy specific targets, such as locking mechanisms. The charge is positioned to bore into its target, destroying everything it encountered along its path. Thermite charges burn with an intensely bright light.

Transmitter Cap

this small explosive device uses a tiny charge which can be detonated with a remote transmitter.


this devastatingly deadly explosive was created by the forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the height of the Clone Wars. It is essentially a smart bomb that is launched in a high arc, so that it can avoid any defensive screens. It then targeted a large concentration of enemy forces and comes down in their midst. The bomb is equipped with a sensor that detonates the bomb at chest level. When it explodes, the weed-cutter flings a payload of razor-sharp durasteel flechettes in a circular pattern, cutting through armor just as easily as it does through flesh. The resulting damage to the soldiers is incredible, rendering entire companies into ragged lumps of flesh.



this is a form of concussion stick, developed by Sessian Armaments. It employs two chemical agents which are stable when separated, but explode with intense force when combined. The 1-79 stick heats up rapidly when activated, and generate a concussion blast several meters in diameter from the user's hand. In this way, the 1-79 concussion stick allows a being to have a measure of personal protection.


this is the model number of TasCorp's blaststick detonation device.


this is the model number of Arakyd's miniature proton warhead, which can be fired from a PLX-2M missile launcher.


this is Merr-Sonn's proton grenade, produced during the height of the Galactic Civil War. The 7-PrG has a magnetic base, which allows it to be placed in virtually any position. They are timed devices which are armed by twisting the base, and activated by depressing a plunger at the top.

Biotic Grenade

this is an explosive used in many mining operations.


this weapons manufacturer specializes in grenades and other contained explosives.


this is a form of stun grenade produced by Merr-Sonn during the height of the New Order.


this is the designation of one of Merr-Sonn's stun grenades. It was originally developed for Imperial Munitions, and is engineered so that it could be thrown, recovered, and recharged. However, many of these weapons fell into the hands of the Alliance, and were later used against Imperial forces in battle. This led to the development of the C-14A grenade.


this is the designation of the second generation of the Merr-Sonn C-14 stun grenade. Equipped with a clublike handle, the C-14A is also given a specialized reactivation system that requires a secret code to open. This helps prevent Alliance forces from recovering the C-14A and using it against Imperial forces.


this is the designation of Merr-Sonn's typical fragmentation grenade. It is one of the most popular weapons of the Alliance, during the height of the Galactic Civil War.


this is the designation of Merr-Sonn's fragmentation grenade. Unlike earlier versions like the C-16, the C-22 is equipped with a low-power magnetic grapple that allows it to be secured to a vehicle.

Class-A Thermal Detonator

this detonator has a blast-radius of about 20 meters.

Compound Flex-5

this is the brand name of Merr-Sonn Munitions' detonite gel, which is impregnated into plastic adhesive tape to form detonite tape.

Corellian Spark Grenade

this simple device is developed by Corellian weapons experts, to deliver a powerful electric charge when detonated. The idea is to disrupt electrical systems - or shock organic tissue - by sending a surge of power through them, rendering them inoperable.

Energy Ball

a small artillery weapon developed by the Gungans, energy balls are just that: small blue spheres of coherent energy. They come in various sizes, depending on the target the Gungans are using them against. Each energy ball acts much like the blast from an ion cannon. The energy contained in the blue sphere is dispersed upon detonation, wreaking havoc with electrical systems and severely damaging organic nervous systems. The outer shell is made from a charged organic matrix, while the innards are made from unstable energy masses.

G-20 Glop Grenade

manufactured by Merr-Sonn, these detonation devices release a chemical foam when triggered. The foam has incredible adhesive properties, and clings to everything it touches. When lobbed into a mob or battle phalanx, glop grenades can quickly immobilize attackers. It requires a special "glop dissolver" agent, often in aerosol form, to remove the glop. Because these grenades don't explode so much as crack open, the shell can be recovered and cleaned for reuse.


this is the brand name of a BlasTech rocket, developed for use in wrist-mounted projectile weapons. The Lumablast explodes with a brilliant light that renders any being in its blast radius temporarily blind.


this is a model of concussion grenade produced by SoroSuub for many decades. It first saw use during the Clone Wars, and remained in production until the height of the Galactic Civil War.


this is BlasTech's smoke grenade.


this is the model number of an underwater torpedo designed and produced by Czerka during the Galactic Civil War.


this gas-filled stun grenade is manufactured by Czerka.

Talking Bomb

this is the term used to describe the makeshift bombs that were constructed by the Ugnaughts of Cloud City, when they launched their rebellion against Imperial Captain Treece. Each of the twelve bombs built by the Ugnaughts is equipped with a droid brain, which powered up whenever a living being tried to approach the bomb. The droid brain is attached to a vocoder, and the droid begins talking to the being nearest to its location, offering apparently sincere information on how to disarm it. As the Imperials discovered, however, this information actually armed the bomb and set it to explode. After Treece was removed from Cloud City, several black marketeers tried to sell these bombs, but their effectiveness is limited by the fact that many beings knew they are providing false information.


this specialized explosive is known as a Time Bomb to its developers at Merr-Sonn. The TB-47 was produced during the height of the New Order, and is designed to detonate after a specific amount of time has elapsed. This allows the user to plant the explosive on a building or vehicle, then have enough time to escape before it exploded.


this SoroSuub thermal detonator is part of the standard weaponry used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems to arm their battle droids, during the height of the Clone Wars.


this is the designation of one of Mier-Lang's concussion grenades. The Alliance used them to combat Imperial forces on Hoth.

V-6 Haywire Grenade

produced by Merr-Sonn during the height of the Clone Wars, the V-6 Haywire grenade produced an intense electromagnetic pulse when it exploded. This allowed the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic to lob V-6 grenades into approaching units of battle droids, rendering the droids inert when the pulse fried their circuitry.


this is Merr-Sonn's CryoBan grenade. Shaped like a baton, the WW-41 explodes on contact, dispersing CryoBan fire retardant throughout its blast radius.

XG Bomb

this anti-gravity field bomb is manufactured by SoroSuub for the Empire. The XG can be deployed in open fields, and is triggered by the presense of a repulsor field. Troops and non-repulsor weapons can pass over it without mishap, but when a repulsorlift vehicle passes near, the detonator is triggered.

Zicx Bug-bomb this unusual weapon, developed by Goru Rainstealer, is coveted by both the Alliance and the Empire during the height of the Galactic Civil War.



this was the designation of Conner Ship Systems' timer mine. The 3HX3 was a ground-based mine that was equipped with lifeform and repulsor-field sensors. Any time one of the sensors was triggered, by the passing of a repulsorlift vehicle or by the proximity of a living being, the 3HX3 shot out an explosive charge which detonated roughly three meters in the air. The blast was designed to damaged a large vehicle or destroy a squadron of troopers.


this highly-explosive land mine was developed by the Imperial Remnant during the years leading up to the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy.


Merr-Sonn's high-altitude ion mine, the Defender was used extensively by the Empire to blockade rebellious worlds. The mines were deployed in orbit, and were equipped with cloaking revvers and scatter beams to render themselves nearly undetectable. Any ship travelling within 10 kilometers of the mine triggered the device, which fired ion energy at the ship similar to an ion cannon. The disabled ship was forced to float in space until boarded by Imperial forces.

Doonium Acid Mines

an explosive weapon which sprays an area with liquid doonium acid when detonated.


this lift-mine was created by Norsam for the Empire. It had a range of operation from 10 meters to 40 meters, and measured a meter in diameter. The DR-X55 can move quite fast, and can bring itself within detonation range in a matter of seconds.

E-Mag Mine

developed by Mesonics, the E-Mag mine was designed to detect the presense of a repulsor field as well as to detect an increase in pressure. Thus, these mines could be be set off by stepping on them, or by flying a speeder over them.

Empion Mine

this form of mine was developed at the same time as the Morrt droid project. They had two functions. The first was to explode and take out its intended target. Second, it would send out a communication burst via hyperspace channel to the ship that launched it, indicating its position and its success.

Firecracker Mine

this form of weapon uses a group of small charges combined into a single mine. When activated, the firecracker mine sets off several small explosions which are used more for distraction than destruction.

Heat-seeking Laser Mine

an Imperial deep-space mine used to defend shipyards and as a last defense for stranded starships. Once deployed, these mines lock onto intense heat sources, such as starship exhaust nacelles, and fire on these assumed targets.


this proximity mine was first produced by Conner Ship Systems during the years leading up to the Battle of Naboo. Though considered outdated by the armies that fought during the Clone Wars, the HX2 mine remained a valuable weapon in the field for many decades. The battle droids of the Separatist armies made extensive use of HX2 mines, in an effort to slow the progress of the Grand Army of the Republic across a battlefield.

Ilthani Space Mine

this is a form of mine used to blockade planets.


Golan Arms produced this landmine for the Empire, which used it extensively during the ground battles of the Galactic Civil War.


this proximity mine was produced for the Empire by Golan Arms, during the height of the Galactic Civil War. It was a modified version of the basic KE-6 mine, equipped with a sensor that detected the presence of a large, metallic object. When the object - often a troop transport or field artillety vehicle - came within close range of the mine, it exploded. The KE-6b was noted for its destructive power. Lift-mine

these repulsorlift-equipped antiship mines float above the ground. They can float at a specific altitude, or can be programmed to travel within a range. They are not capable of horizontal movement. The Empire used this form of detonation device to blockade important mountain valley locations.


one of MerrSonn Munitions' laser-flechette mines. They are recognizable by the concave external surface of the mine emplacement, which absorbs the energy when the mine explodes. When detonated, the mines release huge amounts of energy which is absorbed by the concave surface and expelled by small laser diodes as tiny blaster bolts.


one of MerrSonn's first self-detonating mines, these weapons used special sensors to determine the proximity of a target, and then trigger their detonators. These weapons were disarmable via commlink hook-up. They were thought to be secure, but members of the Alliance on Calonica discovered their disarming codes and rendered them harmless. They then stole the charges and replaced the mines.


MerrSonn's self-detonating perimeter mine, these proton weapons were buried a half-meter below the surface. Thermal gravity-sensitive sensors tell the weapon when a large vehicle or person is near, and triggers the detonator. The LX-4 is a refitted proton torpedo warhead, and make up for the LX-2's failings by being impossible to disarm. This causes problems for the Empire as well, since they cannot be stored easily.


this magnetic-fastening explosive device was developed by Greff-Timms Industrial some 4,000 years before the Galactic Civil War.


this Imperial form of space mine was developed in order to prevent its detection by normal starship scanners. Each micromine was a tiny spec of anti-matter, contained within a magnetic shell. Because each micromine was so small, they were virtually undetectable. The Empire mined the space around Shiva IV with micromines to protect their interest in the system, but the full-scale use of micromines turned out to be cost-prohibitive, and the plans for mass manufcture were scrapped.


this was a miniature version of a standard anti-personnel mine, used by the clone troopers and clone commandos of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars.

Orbital Mines

small satellites that can be placed in random orbits around a planet. They have tiny propulsion systems that keep them moving in orbit. They also have sensitive detonation systems tuned to explode upon impact.

Sky Mine

this form of explosive weapon was developed during the last decades of the Old Republic. Sky mines were deployed in orbit by a delivery ship, then activated. They were given rough targetting parameters, often with transponder code masks, and then hunted down their targets. They had excellent maneuverability, and chased after their target until they ran out of fuel or were destroyed. Since sky mines were mobile, and could lock onto a target of their own volition, starfighter squadrons had to have their missions coordinated with the parameters used to program the mines.

Thermal Mine

this form of explosive device was employed in bringing down large buildings. It had a controllable blast, which enabled demolitions crews to safely bring down structures.

Type 5 Mine

developed and manufactured by Imperial Munitions, this 5-meter-long defense drone was a stationary mine with active and passive sensor systems. It was armed with a single laser cannon and a concussion missile launcher. It fired on a target after it detected the target was not broadcasting on a pre-defined transponder signal.

Starship Weapons[edit]


this was the designation of the diamond boron missiles which were produced by the Confederacy of Independent Systems on Pengalan IV, during the early stages of the Clone Wars. The AS-X-DB was an anti-starfighter weapon, designed to penetrate the thick armor of Old Republic warships and explode inside the craft.

Bomblet Generator

this was an unusual form of missile launcher, developed by the Feeorin mercenary Nym during the years following the Battle of Naboo. Outwardly, it resembled a huge, double-barreled turbolaser cannon. However, instead of firing coherent bolts of energy, the bomblet generator launched a series of energy bombs which were created shortly before firing. What the weapon lacked in range, it made up for in sheer destructive power. What made the bomblet generator even more destructive was the fact that, as long as the onboard power systems were still functioning, it never ran out of ammunition.

Broadcap Bomb

manufactured on the planet Adumar, these are large explosives named for the shape of the debris cloud it forms. They were nicknamed Punch-and-Pops, because of the way they explode. The shell actually penetrates the ground for several meters before exploding, and were capable of taking out several city blocks.


this was Frei-Tek's version of the anti-starfighter cluster trap.

Cluster Trap

designed by the New Republic, a cluster trap is a nondescript blister on the hull of a capital ship. Hidden inside the blister are any number of high-powered concussion grenades. When starfighters are close enough, the capital ship's weapons crew can activate the cluster trap, sending the grenades spewing into space. If done right, the grenades explode in the midst of the starfighters.


this is a concussion missile employed on K-Wing bombers.


this concussion missile is similar to the CM-5 in configuration, but it delivers a much larger payload.

Concussion Missile

a detonation device which, although not as powerful as a proton torpedo, is much faster. They employ an armor-piercing tip mounted on a compact energy pack. This tip allows the missile to penetrate a ship's hull, while also serving to ignite the weapon's energy pack. Upon striking a target, an atom smasher is activated near the energy pack, imploding the atoms and generating a huge amount of energy and heat. This first melts the target, then explodes it.

Devastator Torpedo

this weapon was developed during the last years of the Galactic Civil War by the Empire. Rolf Treidum and his fleet of ships patrolling the Kathol Outback used one of these weapons on the planet Danoor, after Waric Nane failed to keep the FarStar and her crew on the planet. The torpedo was launched at the planet, and created a blast radius of about 5 kilometers. Everything within the blast was obliterated. The only drawback to the use of the devastator torpedo is that its launching system takes several minutes to recharge between shots.


this model of concussion missile was produced by FreiTek, Incorporated, during the early years of the New Republic.

Electron Torpedo

this form of torpedo used energized electrons, instead of protons or plasma, as the catalyst for its explosive power.

Energy Torpedo

this form of torpedo was developed during the last decades of the Old Republic, as an alternative to standard concussion missiles. Instead of a concussion-wave of explosion, the energy torpedo released an energy-wave created by highly-charged particles contained in its shell.


this was the designation of an energy torpedo launcher manufactured by the Xi Char during the last decades of the Old Republic.

Gravity Bomb

this Yevethan weapon disrupted the localized gravity field surrounding a starship, causing intense pressure changes due to shifting starship plating and decking.

Ion Bomb

in the decades leading up to the fall of the Old Republic, ion bombs were considered the most powerful explosives in the galaxy.

Ion-blast Missile

this form of projectile weapon was developed by the Empire during the height of the New Order. It was designed to penetrate a vehicle and explode, releasing a blast of ions which destroyed the vehicle's electrical and computer systems.


this was the designation of a class of Imperial sweep bombs manufactured for use by Kuat Drive Yards. The M-12 was a notoriously poor performer in the field, with a failure rate of nearly ten percent. This meant that most Imperial unit demanded a better model, and much of the production run of M-12 bombs was scrapped. They were eventually replaced by devices which had gravity-wave systems built into their casings. However, some twelve million M-12 bombs were never shipped to the Imperial Navy. They were retained by Kuat Drive Yards for testing the armory chambers of their starships.

Plasma Scourge

this Old Republic weapon was an experimental bombing system that deployed a series of plasma warheads across a wide space. The plasma scourge carpeted its target with plasma energy, indiscriminately destroying huge areas in its blast.

Plasma Torpedo

a projectile weapon that uses ionized plasma gas to create an explosion.

Proton Torpedo

these weapons use a proton-scattering pod. The pod consisted of a fuel cell and a nucleonic igniter. When the torpedo strikes its target, the igniter smashes the atoms in the fuel cell, creating an enormous energy surge which destroys the target. While being very powerful, the proton torpedo can only travel at slow, sublight speeds.

Punch-and-Pop Bomb

this was the nickname of a type of explosive, like the Adumari Broadcap bomb, which penetrates the ground for several meters before exploding.

Seeker Torpedo

any self-propelled detonation device which can be targetted ahead of time and, when released, will track its target until it can impact with it.


this spherical concussion missile was produced just before the Clone Wars. It was noted for the way in which the concussion field expanded in a sphere, allowing a ship gunner to fire it the midst of several attackers and have the effects of the blast hit multiple targets.

Sleeper Bomb

a detonation device used to cripple a starship in deep space. It is attached to the ship's hull in such a way that it can continuously and innocuously drain power from the ship's core. When it reaches a certain power level, the bomb begins to draw an increasingly greater portion of the ship's power as it approaches detonation. With a shaped charge and the correct power level, the bomb explodes, ripping a hole in the ship's hull. The impending depressurization quickly and effectively kills the ship's crew and leaves her stranded in space. A sleeper bomb could also be used to destroy a ship which was berthed on the ground, provided that a nearby power source could be found to draw energy from while the bomb charged.


this was the designation of Arakyd's concussion missile system. The ST2 missile was a rocket-shaped warhead that was as powerful as a standard proton torpedo.

Stage Three Torpedo

this warhead was the size of a proton torpedo, but contained trac-reflective particles that break up a tractor beam's strength.


this type of plasma torpedo was known as a shieldbuster, or a rotten egg. The T-33 was designed to detonate at a shield's perimeter, creating in intense radiation burst. This burst was several times more powerful that the combined power of a capital ship's ion cannons, and knocked out the target's shield generators. This allowed particle weapons to finish off the target. The T-33 was one of the New Republic's strongest weapons.


Seinar Fleet System's Proton Torpedo Launching system used on the TIE Bomber.


this was Krupx's version of the seismic charge, developed during the last years of the Old Republic. It was considered by many weapons experts to have been the most sophisticated of all seismic charges, using a combination of baradium and collapsium to supercharge the explosive core during deployment. Jango Fett was known ot have used Void-7 seismic charges aboard his ship, Slave I.