Jack Priors

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Jonathan "Jack" Priors
Military Information


  • First Lieutenant (Ret.)
  • Fleet Air Arm
  • Royal and Allied Flotilla
Biographical Information






Native Language




Skin Color



Six foot


180 lbs

Hair Color

Black hair

Facial Hair

Small sideburns

Eye Color


Personal Information


Jonathan Priors, born 43 standard years ago on Coruscant. Ever since he has joined multiple flotillas, and began a small traders life. Rank in the Vast Imperial Navy: First Lieutenant, positions held in other small flotillas: captain, trader, the list goes on and on.

Preston D. Kole

First Lieutenant (Ret.) Jonathan "Jack" Priors is a stubborn, genius, book smart, and imposing man. Born Jonathan Priors to Jack and Jennifer Priors on Coruscant 43 years ago, Priors has learned to blend in on many worlds such as Coruscant. After spending multiple years in the tactical section of Naval Intelligence, Priors transferred to the navy and accepted the lowly rank of Senior Crewman. He stayed in the Vast Imperial Navy for seven more years, eventually commanding the 67th Offensive Squadron. After retiring from the Vast Imperial Navy, he was replaced by the late Lieutenant Commander Jones, who died in the 67th (and who was eventually replaced by Zhar Bacredi).

Later in life, he slowly began to move into the traders life. He joined up with the CMF, which was a small flotilla later bought out by the RAF. In the RAF, he was given the command of trading vessel Go To Hell, which was later destroyed while Priors was on leave. After this, he began to move into the tactical department (basically were new shipping lanes were adopted). He was able to find a couple shipping lanes that were in sparse use, but they were eventually flooded with ships again. Ever since the shipping lanes were adopted, he moved into the FAA (Fleet Air Arm) were he began to modify the rickety TIE fighters of the FAA. After he finished all of this, he moved into RAF Devonshire's starfighter command were he is working with Avenger and Steel Squadrons up to about half a year ago, when he was given command of the RAF Dorsetshire.


Coruscanti by Birth[edit]

43 years ago, Jonathan "Jack" Priors was born to Jack and Jennifer Priors on Coruscant. His parents weren't wealthy, that was for sure, but they weren't on that bad of a track. But as Jack took a bad turn (While Jonathan was four) and went off to gamble, he never came back. The entire story behind this was one that had much sight in everyone on Coruscant. Jack had just gotten his paycheck plus bonus from Santos Systems (weapons manufacturer), and decided to blow his bonus at the nearest Hutt gambling building. When he got there, he put money down as collateral. He eventually got too much in debt and began to gamble even more to try and get back. This didn't come true, and the Hutts found out that he couldn't pay. He was shot that day, then and there because of such.
At the age of 14, Jonathan was able to grab a job as a bellboy in a local speeder company. His mother, who was now working three jobs double-shift to support Jack and herself, was an exhausted wreck. The job that Jonathan acquired stopped this, and she left two of her jobs and they began to live a happier and more tussle-free life. After he got his job, he was able to attend school. Not many schools, however. So he attended the University of Technology, Coruscant. He aced out of the school and joined the Vast Empire Army, and later the Vast Empire Naval Intelligence and moved his mother to Reach II (were he was stationed).

Recruitment to the Vast Empire[edit]

Bumping into a recruiting agent on Coruscant (who was an under-cover agent at the time), the agent's ID slipped out of his coat and Priors picked it up. He remembered the name, the "Vast Empire Naval Intelligence". Looking up the first two words on the holonet, Priors learned more about this "Vast Empire". Priors sent a message to the nearest recruiting agent and found out more about the Vast Empire, he was later recruited and moved himself and his mother to Tadath. Priors was recruited into the Vast Empire as a Army Private, but as the Army realized his technology field, he was able to ask for a transfer into the intelligence section.

Vast Empire Naval Intelligence[edit]

Entering the Vast Empire Naval Intelligence as a Crewman, Jonathan was able to take his Aviator's Exam and become a Senior Crewman by earning distinction. He was under the 'wing' of First Lieutenant Jonas Jillian, an intelligence officer working with the satellites of the Vast Empire. During the first few years of Jack's Vast Empire Naval Intelligence career, Jones Jillian was promoted to Lieutenant Commander and was given command of the Perpetual, and Jack was promoted to Senior Chief Petty Officer. Two more years went buy and Priors was given command of the 'wing' that worked with the satellites and the rank of Chief Warrant Officer (being promoted from other ranks in single form). He worked continually with Lieutenant Calgarian.
Second Lieutenant Calgarian and Chief Warrant Officer Priors eventually developed hundreds of satellites above world in the Yetton, Ios, and Epsilon Systems. This "fortress complex" of satellites only staid above the Epsilon System as the Yetton System's satellites were destroyed, and Ios' satellites were decommissioned and sold. A failure of them both, Calgarian was transferred to the Vast Imperial Navy and Priors asked for a transfer to a fighter squadron of the offensive fleet.

The 67th Offensive Fighter Squadron[edit]

The 67th Offensive Fighter Squadron is the Squadron that Priors was given command of. Immediately after entering the squadron, he was promoted to Ensign and given command of the squadron along with Level 2 Clearance. He commanded the squadron for a little while until he was promoted to Second Lieutenant. He began to work on the 67's efficiency to get their job done as their last routine mission had been marked as failure. They began to work on training missions and they only went on one 'real' mission and 10 training missions during Priors' time. He later left due to the fact that he was just bored of the Vast Empire life.

Royal and Allied Flotilla[edit]

A friend of a friend's uncle, Geoffrey Roebuck was the man that recruited Priors into the RAF (Royal and Allied Flotilla). Priors began to work on a small satellite project that helped reach shipping lanes via auto-pilot and the seeking of each satellite. After this, he began to move into the tactical department (basically were new shipping lanes were adopted). He was able to find a couple shipping lanes that were in sparse use, but they were eventually flooded with ships again. Ever since the shipping lanes were adopted, he moved into the FAA (Fleet Air Arm) were he began to modify the rickety TIE fighters of the FAA. After he finished all of this, he moved into RAF Devonshire's starfighter command were he is working with Avenger and Steel Squadrons to this day.



Vast Empire Ranks[edit]

Vast Imperial Navy Ranks[edit]