Starfigher Tactics

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Naval Ancillary Skill
Starfighter Tactics
Passing achieves:
Starfighter command skills {SFT}
Prerequisite for:
Top Gun, Tier 3 (TIE Defender pilot)
TIE Interceptors from the elite 181st Imperial Fighter Wing engage rebel-flown X-Wings before Palpatine's assassination.

The Skill[edit]

Before your character may be regarded as a veteran-level pilot (in other words, if you want to be considered for a leadership position within the Starfighter Corps), and before you complete the third (and final) tier of the Top Gun certification track, you must demonstrate that your character has the basic knowledge necessary to coordinate a dogfight between two squadrons. This knowledge (and its practical application) is known as the "Starfighter Tactics" Intermediate Ancillary Skill, in VEN role-playing parlance. You demonstrate this knowledge (and thereby earn the "Starfighter Tactics" Ancillary Skill for your character's Bio) by completing the following mission.

The Mission : "Several Fighters Have Broken Off From the Main Group. Come With Me!"[edit]

Write a short story (750 words, minimum) in which your character commands a squadron of twelve (12) VE-standard TIE Interceptors against a hostile squadron of twelve (12) New Republic X-Wings. VENA is especially interested in seeing verisimilitude (realism) for this skill: your task is not an easy one, so be sure to show the challenges of dogfighting in each of the typical stages of an engagement (from the initial sighting of the enemy, show the opponents close with each other, attack, maneuver for advantage, and then either disengage or destroy each other). When complete, post your short story to a new thread in the Navy ComNet (making sure to mark it as a Mission for the Starfighter Tactics Ancillary Skill), and wait for review. If a VENA staff member deems that you have satisfied all the mission parameters, you will have earned the Ancillary Skill "Starfighter Tactics" for your character, and that character may then use the associated knowledge in future story posts (provided you are eventually placed in a command position).

Good luck.

Links and Resources[edit]

Here is a comprehensive list of sites with information useful for starfighter command. Read the information on them, learn it. It could keep your squadron and yourself alive.

Advanced Fighter Tactics

  • Note : The Vast Empire claims no credit in these sites, all information provided is for fictional use only.