The Hubris

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Roland Graves[edit]



  • Full Name: Roland Bartholomew Graves
  • Speices: Human, Male
  • Homeworld: Corellia
  • language: Basic
  • Height: 6'2"
  • Build: Medium
  • Hair colour: Light blonde
  • Age: 24


Roland was born in space, on a freighter. So people had always assumed that he would become an exceptional pilot. His entire childhood was centered around him joining the Corellian Security force's or the Empire and becoming a Pilot. This single minded desire slowly built Roland into an incredibly self centered person, who many thought bordered on sociopathic. After turning eighteen he enlisted in the Corellian security forces. A career that was short lived as his ego and general disregard for others well being ended in a training incident that cost the Corellian government a vast amount of credits in both infrastructure and collateral damages, both public and private. For the sake of his family in particular his father, a moderately powerful civil servant, Rolands name was kept out of the news feeds and instead of a very public dismissal and the high chance of jail time, he was quietly tucked away in a dead end job repairing and maintaining a small fleet of transport speeders in the more rural sectors of the planet.

It took Graves a few months to discover that he had been put out to pasture, and that his military career was over. A fact which bruised his ego immensely. So, being the spiteful individual he was, Graves proceed to steal the cargo of the speeders under the guise of, as he put it, 'Banditos' and went about selling the stolen goods to various firms and businesses for double the price. The job was profitable and almost victimless until a junior mechanic caught on. He threatened to blackmail Roland into giving him two thirds of the profits made from the 'heists', to which Roland agreed with a trustworthy smile. All the while planning on how best to kill the mechanic.

The ever resourceful Roland settled on speeder malfunction and within the week the bothersome mechanic met with a horrible, fiery death. This seemed like the end of his problems... but things began to progressively get worse for him. People began to ask questions, people he had never seen before. People who bore an uncanny resemblance to CorSec internal affairs agents. It was after a brief encounter with one that he decided to make an attempt to escape their ever-tightening noose. With a considerable a considerable amount of credits he purchased a YV-330, named 'Herbert' which he quickly renamed to 'The Hubris' in an attempt to evade the security force, or at least give him enough time to make it out of the system.

After a close call he managed to escape to the outer rim where he began his illustrious career as a freelancer.


Roland isn't a hands on kind of guy. He knows his way around a blaster or a ship, but where he excels is in the more diplomatic side of things. It has been said that Roland could sell sand to a Jawa, which he wouldnt be above trying if the situation called for it.


One word can describe Rolands personality

Sociopath a person, as a psychopathic personality, whose behavior is antisocial and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.

He is a man who cares for nothing but himself, but isn't above using someone to complete his goals. To those he meets he is a well mannered, charismatic and thoughtful individual. Though this is mainly because he wants something from them or he intends to use them for his own malevolent purposes. Aside from these occasions he often avoids talking to people out of a twisted superiority complex that he has developed. In the company of his crew or subordinates, he can be best described as chaotic, often screaming out orders or making those under him do seemingly inane or impossible tasks. Then hurls abuse at them when they fail to complete them.

Sebastian 'Seb' Korric[edit]



  • Full Name: Sebastian Korric
  • Species: Human, Male
  • Homeworld: Coruscant
  • Language: Basic, Binary
  • Height: 5"8'
  • Weight: 75kg
  • Build: Light
  • Hair colour: Dusty black
  • Age: 19


Sebastian was born into a lower class family on Coruscant. His childhood consisted of a basic schooling by his well meaning parents before he began working in his uncles repair shop around the age of thirteen. He had no real social life, outside the regular customers. Though his uncle would keep him in the back as it was discovered that Sebastian had a knack for electronics and repairs. Sebastian was happy he had found his lot in life, content with working for his uncle until he hopefully took over the buisness when his aging relative decided to retire. This however changed when the small, lower city repair shop was shut down by Coruscant Security force after it was discovered that Alabaster Korric (Sebastian's uncle) had been using the buisness as a front to ship low grade blaster pistols to select criminal entities that inhabited the area.

The sudden, though when he looked back on it, foreseeable liquidation of the shop meant that Sebastian was out of a job. However it didnt take long for the young technician to find a replacement. He had only turned nineteen a few weeks prior to when he was first spotted by a small freelancer captain, Roland Graves. Graves was a natural Salesmen, so the pitch he delivered to the young, impressionable and somewhat gullible Korric made cruising the star's with the group sound like the job he had always dreamed for. So he signed up.

Unfortunately Roland had a tendency to exaggerate, or outright lie about everything he said. 'The Hubris', a ship that Graves had described as a "The most majestic collection of bolts and metal that ever graced the universe" was a dilapidated YV-330 that hadn't seen a good day since it was built. It dawned on Sebastian when he entered the hanger that he wasn't signing up to cruise the galaxy, saving beautiful women and partying. It also dawned on him that he had no where else to go, so begrudgingly he decided to stay.


Years working with all kinds of gadgets and electronics in his uncles repairshop have given Sebastian a knack for fixing things. There is very little he cant fix, and if he finds something he cant, he can often work his way around it. Though this all comes with the trade off of having no combat skills to speak of.


Sebastian has a lack of self confidence. A fact which is made worse by the belittling from the crew of 'The Hubris'. He attempts to remain polite and is borderline obsessive compulsive about cleaning himself, as his parents once told him that "Cleanliness and good manner's will take you farther then any starship ever could". He tends not to raise his voice, opting to stay towards the back of a group so he isn't dragged into anything. Sebastian is gentle,caring and passive person by nature, a fact which the people he gets to know appreciate though most never openly tell him.

David 'Deathproof' Donovan[edit]



  • Full Name: David Donovan
  • Species: Human, Male
  • Homeworld: Coruscant
  • Languages: Basic, Binary, Bocce, Durese, Huttese, Rodese
  • Height: 5'11"
  • Weight: 125kg
  • Build: heavy
  • Hair colour: bald
  • Age: 39


As his nickname would suggest, David has built up a reputation amongst his fellow freighter jocks as being 'Deathproof'. Forty three shuttle and/or freighter crashes had elevated the overweight, paunchy Kuatian to a near mythical status amongst those who inhabit certain circles. These circles however do not include the corporations, company's, conglomerates or governments that have hired him to transport their goods around the stars. His reputation eventually dried up most of the work that was available. Outside of being a pilot he had little to no skills. So he did as any sane and socially adjusted individual would do in such a situation.

He turned to piracy. More specifically as a pilot for pirates, the heavy lifting and constant running that raping and pillaging required seemed a bit to much for him. It was after this he first met Roland Graves on a orbital spaceport run by a shady group of Duros and Rodians. Graves had heard the stories about 'Deathproof' but he had always passed them off as a myth or a story saved for bedtime, but the scars and intimate detail acquired after each and every crash eventually convinced Roland, which in turn led to David becoming the first official crew member of 'The Hubris'


David can fly anything. From the smallest scout craft to the largest command ship. Whether a sane person would let him is another story however. He is also fluent, or boasts that he is fluet, in a half dozen languages. His time aboard and around ships has also given him an intimate knowledge of how they work, which he applies when it comes to fixing them.


David is cocky. Boasting far more then he's ever accomplished and fabricating stories about his glory days as a pilot with the Kuat security forces. His time spent sitting alone on ships has taken away any sense of personal hygiene or grooming that may have once existed. Giving the man a constant smell of sweat and grease. He is loud and simple minded, often announcing his feelings towards others or peppering everything he says with curse's or slang.

The Hubris[edit]

The Hubris aka Herbert aka Hurbi' is a standard (If aging) YV-330 Light frieghter. Coming in at twenty six meter's in length with a maximum atmosphere speed of 1050 km/h, the Hubris is the be all and end all when it comes to all your pirating needs. Which is how its captain Roland Graves would describe it. The truth is that its an aging ship with even older weaponry that should be slowly rusting away in a scrapyard. It can hold roughly five metric tons of cargo, though the crew have reappropirated the upper cargo bay (Adjacent to the crew quarters) as a break room. As the smell from the cockpit can often overwhelm those who are exposed to it for prolonged periods.

But for what the ship lacks in longevity, it makes up for in shear "Fuck you" power. Sporting one dual heavy laser cannon, four light ion cannons and a total of four concussion missile launchers each stocked with a trio of warheads each. The Hubris has the ability to vaguely annoy any larger ship whilst it powers up its main guns and turns the faded red freighter into a faded red coffin or a brief light show.

The Hubris can hold up to five passengers comfortably, ten if the cargo bays are empty and more if they aren't terribly picky about standing for the entire trip. The captain had the rear cargo bay on the mid-deck converted into his own, as he refers to it as, pleasure pad. Barring entrance to all the crew apart from the occasional 'special' visitor he meets whilst the Hubris is planet side.

Apart from the aesthetic changes, the Hubris is almost identical to its standard deck plans

-Deckplans- [1]