You may gain rank by being Active. Being active incorporates a wide number of things mainly dependant upon what position you hold. If you are a trooper: Sending in weekly reports to your squad leader, playing JK and MotS, posting on the comnet, and chatting on our IRC channel. If you are a squad leader or above, how you get promoted reflects upon how active the troopers under your command are and a few other things that your commanding officers could answer for you.
The Vast Empire Army supports Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II, Mysteries of the Sith, Force Commander, Rainbow 6, Rogue Spear, StarCraft, StarCraft: Brood War Battlefield 1942 (and its Star Wars mod Galactic Conquest), Command and Conquer: Generals, Galactic Battlegrounds (and its add on pack Clone Campaigns), Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy, Battlefront, Battlefront2, and Empire at War.
Vast Empire Army members are required to have ID Lines. One utilizes ID lines in communication emails, comnet posts, etc. Its just a way of showing your ranks, positions, and awards.
You first obtain your ID line by joining the Vast Empire. Once you pass your training, the Commander of Training will e-mail you and place you into a squad. In that e-mail your ID line will be given.
The basic template of an ID is as follows:
Position/Rank Name/#Squad/#Platoon/#Company/#Battalion/Planet/VEA (awards)(medals)
If you have anymore questions about your ID lines please contact your commanding officer.
SCOPE Armor is the standard armor used by Phoenix company of the Vast Empire Army. SCOPE is short for Special/Conventional OPerations Element. The armor is updated from standard trooper armor to be lighter and stronger.
Choose one of:
E-11 Blaster Rifle
Choose one of:
DL-44 Blaster Pistol
Q2s5 Hold-out Scout Blaster Pistol
Additional Gear
2xFrag Grenades(any other grenades by spec only!)
The Stormtrooper Corps is the Army of the Vast Empire. We range from the standard Stormtroopers to Imperial Grand Moffs.
The Imperial Army is vast. It is the largest army that the galaxy has ever seen. Our forces can be found protecting law and order and righting wrongs on thousands of planets. We maintain peace and a relaxed enviroment on countless worlds threatened by Rebel terrorists. No matter what branch of the Imperial Army you join, you will be serving the many and diverse sentient life-forms of our glorious Empire. You will be in the forefront of the New Order. You will be proud to serve in our ranks, and bring glory to the Empire.
"The Imperial Army, the most destructive force in the universe. The first ones at the battle sight, and the only ones to leave alive. The objective of the Army is simple; to destroy all who oppose the Vast Empire. Their creed encompasses all they stand for: "Woe to thee, oh bringers of rebellion, for you shall be sliced by the sword of the Empire, and beheaded by bloody guillotine of Field Marshal..."
You many find a list of Vast Empire Army ranks in the Field Manual which is located at I highly recommend that you read this manual because you may also find more information about how things are run in the Vast Empire Army.
You can find out who the commanders are by visiting the online roster.