Posted by Fury
A few notes from the meeting which may be of interest. (Well, it's basically the whole army report.)
(GM-Kadann) Fury, you have the Army report today?
(LG_Fury) I do, and for once it's a doozy.
(LG_Fury) I wish the turnout was a bit higher today but I realize a lot of our members are hanging out with dear old dad today.
(LG_Fury) What I want to do first is recognize some of our troopers and their activity in the form of some promotions.
(LG_Fury) At the request of their squad leader, I am glad to announce the following promotions:
(LG_Fury) MaraJade is hereby promoted to Sergeant
(LG_Fury) Sniping101 can stop making Lance Corporal jokes as he is now a Corporal
(LG_Fury) Jyse Toklar has joined up recently and his activity has gone at full tilt.
(LG_Fury) To acknowledge that he is being promoted to Lance Corporal
(LG_Fury) Also....
(LG_Fury) Our squad leaders normally get fast tracked up the promotion path and rarely ever see a lot of recognition. Usually we pay attention to those who make Senior Sergeant quickly and shove them into a leadership position and just expect them to function without a lot of accolades.
(LG_Fury) It is, unfortunately, part of the job.
(LG_Fury) Today, however, I want to make special mention of one squad leader who has gone above and beyond the call of duty to keep his squad active.
(LG_Fury) In his new dual role as squad leader and assistant platoon leader, he is trying to get as many people active as possible.
(LG_Fury) For all that, Peacemaker, Cosmic, and I have spent all week in full agreement that Rizzit be promoted to Sergeant Major.
(LG_Fury) In addition, we want to give him a little extra bonus by giving him what I feel is a very appropriate medal. Rizzit is also granted the Crescent of Heroism [CoH] - A medal for the command staff members that have given their all to increasing the activity of the army and Vast Empire in general. This medal shows prestige and above all else loyalty to the ever-growing Vast Empire.
(LG_Fury) Being a platoon level ranking member I felt this to be an appropriate honor for him.
(LG_Fury) I have a couple more comments and then Peacemaker will have something to add.
(LG_Fury) First off, Iron Horse squad is officially back in business.
(LG_Fury) It will not be an elite squad, but hopefully we'll get enough active squads soon to give it an opportunity to try to earn that.
(LG_Fury) If any of you wish to submit a request to transfer to this newly reopened squad, give Peacemaker and I an email.
(LG_Fury) Otherwise we will stock it full with our new recruits.
(LG_Fury) Tentatively we are going to make it a walker specialty squad and those changes will hit the roster as soon as they are decided.
(LG_Fury) To lead this squad, I've mulled over some very fine potential candidates whom I hope we will have squads for once recruitment increases.
(LG_Fury) What I have done is found a former Iron Horse squad leader drifting through the internet and have annoyed him until he had no choice but to come back.
(LG_Fury) 2LT Timber Saden, take a bow and say hi to the folks
* `2LT_TimberSaden nods and gives everyone a salute
(`2LT_TimberSaden) It truly is good to be back again. Thank you again, for this opportunity Fury.
(LG_Fury) I'm sure you won't let us down.
(LG_Fury) Besides, we'll give you *some* time to get used to the format.
(LG_Fury) Alright, Peacemaker, I believe you had something to mention?
(CAP_WM|2LtPM) yes, thanks
(CAP_WM|2LtPM) i would like to see our members using more often our Screenshoot topics on booth the army and navy comnet boards
(CAP_WM|2LtPM) i offerd 1.000 ics for each screenshoot in the next time, a easy and fast way to get some cash together
(CAP_WM|2LtPM) in case you dont have a webspace to upload those pics, send them to [email protected]
(CAP_WM|2LtPM) play a game, have fun, make a screenshoot and let the rest of us know about it
(CAP_WM|2LtPM) thank you
(LG_Fury) Thank you.
(LG_Fury) And remember folks, just because the store is currently offline doesn't mean I won't have tons of stuff to sell you once we are back online.
(LG_Fury) So, go get those credits
(LG_Fury) A couple more administrative things.
(LG_Fury) I have a thread for the squad leaders and above concerning a new Army wide AWOL check.
(LG_Fury) We've got a lot of new recruits and older members we may not have heard a lot from.
(LG_Fury) Let's find out where they stand with us and what we might be able to learn from them.
(LG_Fury) Also, I am going to send out an AWOL check for the folks currently in Drill squad.
(LG_Fury) If they appear ready to move on, they will head to Iron Horse unless a spot opens up and one squad really, really wants them.
(LG_Fury) On a personal note, I am moving next week. I do not know the state of my office/spare bedroom at that time so I may be offline for a couple weeks.
(LG_Fury) That will leave you with PM and a very long range cryonic whip to worry about.
(LG_Fury) So behave.
(LG_Fury) That's all for this week.
* CAP_WM|2LtPM smiles evil
Congrats to all those who earned promotions and medals, and give Timber Saden a nice welcome back. ----------------------- PRF/LG Fury/VEA/TADATH/VE [SCP][PoC][SotE:HC][SotE:VEA][IOC]
Prefect - Stormtrooper Corps
Administrator - Imperial Center