Posted by Rizzit
It's been a long while since the VE has seen any RPGs of any kind other than the storyboards. I currently have two Game Masters willing to run a game for us. Darr-Rann and D'Har Leth each have their own type of RPG to run. It's open to members of all divisions on the night of the GM's choosing. We used to have IRC rpgs a lot in the old days, and I think it's a good chance to bring them back.
Darr-Rann is going a D20 first on Friday, March 16th. He's going to require you to e-mail him with your race and class choices. Races are: Humans, Dwarves, Elves, and Halflings. Class choices are: Fighter, Cleric, Wizard, and Rogue. Along with this information, you will also need to submit your characters description and history along with what direction you want him/her to go in. He'll need all this information turned in by March14th at the latest! Also, if you do want to show up that night, there will be last-minute characters pre-created, so if you show up last minute: you can play, just not with your choice of character.
D'Har Leth has also agreed to be a GM. He will be hosting on the 23rd of March. All Leth wants is your character description and history along with their traits e-mailed to him by March 21st. He will be hosting the traditional RPG. As with Darr, pre-created character molds will be made for latecomers.
Both RPGs will be held in #VERPG. Darr's will be at 6 PM EST. Leth will let you know the time when you send him your stuff. On a note to the future: I have 2 GM's currently, who will be alternating weeks. I took the liberty of making the first post, after that they will keep you informed to the details of the games by posting on this thread. Therefore, if you could keep posting to a minimum on this thread, that'd be great. This way, you'll realize its a notification and not a reply post. Theoretically, we'll be having one game a week. Darr and Leth will be swiching off each week, unless anyone else can GM and wants to be included in the rotation (if that's the case e-mail me). So, you got your information: good luck, and have fun! ----------------------- Colonel Rizzit BlackHeart
Wildcard Platoon Commander
Phoenix Company Commander
Army of the Vast Empire
Everything expressed truly from your heart and soul is as pure as gold in the minds of anyone who listens!"--Rizzit