Everything there is to know about an SC

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What's an SC?

An SC, or SL, is a squadron commander (squadron leader.) Their job, as you may have guessed, is to lead a squadron (also referred to as a 'fighter group'), which consist of 2-3 flights of anywhere between one and four pilots (although this number and every other facet of the squadron's design is pliable in the hands of the commander- go to the bottom of the page for more information). The Squadron Commander is the highest authority within a single squadron; he endeavors to ensure that his squadron remains "active" and is rewarded accordingly (usually through promotions, medals or the reward of some greater object to the squadron as a whole). Squadron commanders report to their Wing Commanders (the Wing Commander (WC) and Executive Wing Commander (WX)) and Ship Captains (SCAP). They are charged with maintaining their squadrons in various modes: leading them in competitions, managing stories, settling disputes, and setting objectives for the squadron (allowing for evolution/growth). However, an SC must also be cool under fire, be willing to put in extra time and extra heart, and be open-minded. There's no room in this Navy for arrogance, abuse of members or deliberate malcontent: an SC must be the pillar by which new recruits become exemplary pilots.

Obviously, our leaders tend to have certain traits in common- a desire to improve, control and discipline over themselves and their actions, and an ability to cooperate among others. Since a high level of maturity is necessitated by the position, SCs are bound within the ranks that include and lie between Ensign and Commander, an inclusion of only five ranks that usually take anywhere between a 10 and 12 months to even achieve. Due to this short list of acceptable ranks, SCs also have a lifespan of about a year and a half to two and a half years. Not only does this ensure that members are able to take over after a period of time, but it keeps new blood and new ideas running through the group: this, too, an SC must be able to prepare for. After all, just as a pilot becomes the leader of his or her fightergroup, so, too, must he know and be sure of the way in which he will leave his position. Some former squadron commanders would be: Arturus, Than Sion, Trevor Evenson, Shazam and Willtconq.


An SC is paid 30,000ics per month just for being an SC. However, that pay increases because it's compounded by an additional pay according to rank. The average pilot is also given a separate income for his or her position and rank- note the "payscale" on the roster for more information. First, take a look at the difference in commission according to rank the for Flight Members and SCs:

Rank Pay Total Pay w/Flighter Member Income
Crewman ---------- 500ics -------- 5,500
Leading Crewman - 1,000ics ------ 6,000
Senior Crewman --- 2,000ics ------ 7,000

Rank Pay Total Pay w/SC Income
Ensign --------- 15,000ics -------- 45,000ics
2nd Lieutenant - 17,500ics -------- 47,500ics
1st Lieutenant - 20,000ics -------- 50,000ics
Lt. Commander -- 30,000ics -------- 60,000ics
Commander ------ 40,000ics -------- 70,000ics

Fighter Group's and their Molders

Pilots are generally 'requested' or called upon privately to become an SC by a higher-up; on many occasions, the man making the formal request or "call" has been the Naval Commander in Chief himself. The SC, however, has the opportunity to decline the position. However, if he accepts, he is given "absolute" control over his fighter group and is usually given some latitude to choose an XO. From that point on, the day-to-day operations are rarely tampered with from above; contentions may be brought up by the WCs if the Code of Conduct (CoC) is violated, duties are neglected or the wisdom of squadron dynamics are called into question. SCs have been known to change the number of members per flight, number of flights, often the equipment (such as fighter, hand-held weaponry, etc), logo, motto, official documentation and even the name and background of the group- former/disbanded squadrons have often been re-incarnated by the adoption of such names (Nazgul, Aegis, Viper and Kaph to name a few).