Posted by Anakin
This Week just a little slower then the last few but we’re still going strong. Most are awaiting their promotions and awards, which I will give the link at the end of the report.
First off I’d just want to remind you that there are still two more squad stories to finish, everyone (even commanders) are welcome to join into the simulations on any story, there are no limits on equipment as far as what I have given you. So lets see if we can’t finish this off :)
Also we are getting a lot of new recruits. Some passing some not, I’d like to get them all passing their training and quickly. Talon if you could please either send out those e-mails or announce your assistant. The Army grows because of what you do. And we appreciate it. :)
The Awol check is technically over, but due to the number of Awol troops that I know are active (many from FA) I will place the troops on the Awol list of the roster and give them another week to respond. Daishi please get a hold of your troops and tell them to respond.
Overall the Awol went pretty good, I’m very pleased with the number of responses from most of the squads.
We have our equipment all set up now and I will be going throw the roster and changing it to match what you now have.
And Finally…ESC promotions
First off I’d like to thank three of our troops for the help and support they gave me throughout ESC, and made it run as smoothly as it did.
Lieutenant Colonel TJ, Your help with the Single Player and Multiplayer games really saved my butt, for your efforts and your great activity I hereby promote you to the rank of Colonel.
And 1st Lieutenant Fury, For your help with the setting up, and administering the Storyline, I hereby promote you to Captain.
And Colonel Talon for making one of our stories and posting, I give you the Cross of Distinguished Service [CDS]
Congratulations to all 3 of you on a job well done!
As for the squads I have made a web page that you can get to from the Elite squad competition official site that has your promotions on it. You have all worked very hard for what you have earned.
And with the work…comes the reward. :) The website for the promotions is
Troops that were AWOL didn’t receive any promotions or awards, If you are AWOL and would like your award, reply to the AWOL check ;)
Congratulations to all and keep up the good work!
-=:Colonel Anakin:=-