Posted by Kadann
Usually I like to post good news about VE happenings, but today will have to be different. I am sure most of you haven't heard what has happened. The story below, written by Talon, will inform everyone what has happened to our great Navy and VEDJ commander.
It's not every day that a great commander such as Atrus comes along. We will be holding a memorial service on Sunday, August 12, to honor our great Commander in Chief. We will be holding
the service during our regularly scheduled meeting time, 3:00 p.m. central standard time. I will be making announcements throughout the week to remind everyone about this.
-=[ A Final Farewell ]=-
The air was cool and crisp. The lights were off, aside from a small display screen on the starboard wall. Dark Jedi Master Atrus "Nix" Hexum was in his meditation chamber more to avoid annoying lower officers for at least an hour. Not much was going on with the Navy, but there still seemed to be a lot going on today. Lots of reports to file and papers to sign. Sighing, he leaned back in the soft chair and let his mind go. He could feel through the Force the activity outside of his chamber, but he also tuned out of that.
With a jerk, Atrus hopped from his chair and the meditation chamber opened with a hiss. The sphere shaped chamber was much like that of Lord Vader's, with only a few changes to suit the needs of the Naval Commander in Chief. The door to his office opened to reveal Dark Jedi Master and Grand Moff Kadann. Somehow, even though Atrus was ignoring the Force, he knew that Kadann wanted to speak with him. With a slight bow, Atrus said, "Greetings, Kadann. What brings you to the Mustang?"
Kadann returned the bow and replied, "A few minor updates.. Upgrades for squadrons and such..." letting his voice trail off. When he said that Atrus noticed that it wasn't all he wanted to talk about, Kadann closed the door behind him and said, "The Dark Jedi Order will be facing a new trial and very soon. I don't know exactly, but this isn't going to be good."
Atrus nodded and rubbed his chin. He had felt a darker time coming closer to the Vast Empire, but he was used to darkness. It was a way of life for him.
-= The planet Tadath - 0824 hours =-
High Colonel Ghen "Grassroots" Sexton adjusted his uniform as he waited in his pilot chair for clearance.
Finally the voice of a lieutenant rang over the small speaker on the dashboard. "Shuttle GK-5938, you are cleared to launch. Watch the broken down TIE on the way out."
Reaching forward, Ghen clicked the radio twice to signal an affirmative. The repulsors whined as he slowly brought the large shuttle out of the dock. Throttling up, Ghen started calculating for hyperspace and was soon gone from the system.
-= m/SSD Mustang =-
Atrus sighed as he watched the cocky step of his Uncle as he floated down the landing ramp. After a firm handshake, Ghen lead Atrus back up the ramp and into the cockpit. Once inside, Ghen said, "Bro, I've heard through some 'friends' that the Vast Empire will be under attack. I've felt it, even though I'm not as skilled in the Force as you are. Something is about to happen and it's going to be big. I've warned the Army's High Command and they are taking it seriously, but I thought I would warn the Navy and Dark Jedi as well."
Atrus sat back in his chair and nodded.. thinking. "Why didn't you just send a message? It would have been faster."
Ghen quickly said, "I dunno. I just felt that I should have come talk to you in person. Maybe to be sure that the wrong people don't hear about it and find out that we know."
With a nod, Atrus rose from his seat and headed for the door. He noticed the look on Ghen's face and said, "You can come along for the ride if you want. I'm going to go warn my Jedi. I will tell Sithspawn before we go, of course."
-= Atrus's personal shuttle =-
Shifting into the pilot chair, Atrus mumbled, "I wish the Nix Hex was a two seater." After a quick check over the lights and dials on the dashboard, Atrus nudged the repulsors...
-= m/SSD Mustang - Sithspawn's office =-
"No, we can't put any forces there. Why guard something that is next to no use to us. The mines can be shut down for a short time and the workers can be placed in a safe place while our ships can guard elsewhere. If worse comes to worse, we just have to dig the mine back out." Daishi protested as he looked over the plans.
Claw nodded and pointed to another dot. "The same goes for Berchat."
Sithspawn was about to disagree when he suddenly found himself on the floor with a numb spot on his head. Pain started to seep into the numbness and there were a few drops of blood on the floor. An intercom on the wall chimed and a lieutenant screamed, "Sirs! There has been an explosion in the main dock. The ship will hold, but a good many ships were destroyed and many more workers and pilots were killed. The control tower said that Fleet Admiral Atrus and High Colonel Ghen were also down there. I have sent some crews to see if they can find them."
Sithspawn cursed under his breath and growled, "Fine, I'll be at the bridge in a moment." Siths looked over to see the looks of shock and disbelief in the faces of the Naval High Command.
-= VSD Griffen =-
Kadann sat back and listened to the thoughts of the Dark Jedi. So far, most had spoken their minds, and at the moment, Dark Jedi Knight Talon was doing just that.
"We cannot sit back and let our master be killed and not fight back. We have a lead on who this was and I say we should go take them out. I have two black blades with their names written all over them. Lord Atrus was a Master, Sect Lord, and a friend to me. What was he to you? Will you stand there and say 'That's a shame' but do nothing, or will you follow me into battle to avenge our fallen brother?" With that, Talon unhooked his Darkstaff from his belt, twisted it to make them two sabers, and held both in the air. Other Jedi followed suit and soon every saber in the room was raised above everyone's heads. As one, all of the sabers turned on with a snap-hiss and many different colors splashed the walls around the gathered Dark Brothers.
[Similar meetings came upon the same conclusion for the Army and Navy. The Vast Empire would not stand idle.]
Sunday morning, August 5, 2001, Tyler Ryan Nunnally (Fleet Admiral and Dark Jedi Master Atrus "Nix" Hexum - High Colonel Ghen "Grassroots" Sexton) died in a car accident. The Vast Empire will never be the same without his sarcasm and his strong leadership. He will
truly be missed. As I was thinking of a way to retire his characters I thought that he would have seen this as a chance for a campaign. We are now uniting for a VE-wide campaign to destroy those who took two great officers away from us. Army High Command currently has as much information as Ghen had and they also had the name of the informant (who will not be harmed because he warned the VE). Grab your rifles and flight suits.
Before any fighting will begin, we have managed to find the remains of both Atrus and Ghen, and we will have a funeral service.
Darth Atrus 'Nix' Hexum
Prince of the Vast Empire
Official Devil of the Vast Empire
Vast Empire Navy, Naval Commander in Chief
Vast Empire Dark Jedi, Grand Master - Griffen Sect Lord
NCC-FC-CAPT-CMDR/Fleet Admiral Atrus 'Nix' Hexum/HCN-2/Raptor Sqn/Defensive Fleet/mSSD Mustang/VEN, =A=,[mT/P: "Nix Hex"]{NC}{VES}{LoCx4}{CM}{SRC}{BoH}{IOC}
GM-LoS/Dark Jedi Master Atrus 'Nix' Hexum/Griffen/DC-2/VEDJ, [mT/P: "Nix Hex"]{WoS}{LoCx4}{CM}{IOC}
{Starcraft Warlord}{Force Commander Warlord}{JK Warrior}{MotS Warrior}{XWA Ace}{XvT Ace}
***Atrus has quit IRC (Quit: This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time || Without love, earth is a tomb ||||| - In Tyler We Trust)